Summer CSA Information
“When You Have More Than You Need, Build A Longer Table Not A Higher Fence” -unknown author
See what our members have to say about our farm here.
Why Long Table Farm CSA?
We believe you should have access to healthy food grown without harmful chemicals.
The best way for us to do this is by growing delicious vegetables and fruits, and providing them to our community. Our Community Supported Agriculture project is the embodiment of these values.
Our CSA is simply this: a subscription to the weekly bounty from our farms. Our CSA features the most loved vegetables, fruits and greens. We introduce you to great new veggies, and provide you with support to eat and cook all of your share.
How does our CSA work?
A CSA is a relationship between a farmer and community members; every week the farm provides vegetables and fruits to the community members. Instead of paying weekly, the CSA members purchase a share of the crop at the beginning of the growing season(we plan our growing season in December ). This ensures a portion of our crop will be provided to you. If the farm has a surplus, then the community members benefit with extra produce. If a single crop fails, then your farmer will substitute a different crop. Complete crop failures will result in your farmer purchasing produce from other organic, local or sustainable farms, so you will not go home empty handed. We grow a surplus of produce to ensure that even if we lose a large portion, we have enough for our CSA.
One of the greatest benefits of CSA membership is the relationship that develops between the farmer, land and community members. You are invested in our farm, and we honor the trust of that relationship by holding a high standard of care in our practices. It is our pleasure to provide you with safe, healthy food that enriches your lives and our land.
Pick Up Information
Option one: St Ann’s Episcopal Church at 82 Shore Road in Old Lyme on Fridays from 4:20-5PM
Option two: Long Table Farm at 256 Beaver Brook Road. Saturdays from 10AM-1PM. Enjoy complementary you pick herbs, raspberries and entertaining animals. This pick up location is the best place to get to know your farmer and learn how your food is grown. Some weeks guest vendors will join in the fun.
Option three: The Farmer’s Market at Tiffany Farms. 9AM to 12:30PM on the corner of Sterling City Road and 156. If you are driving by, you can’t miss it.
Option four: The Chester Sunday Market. 10AM to 1PM. Our stand is in front of Grano.
If you miss your pick up for any reason, it will be waiting for you in our walk-in cooler behind our garage at 256 Beaver Brook Road. Feel free to pick it up daylight hours from Friday at 4PM to Monday at 10 AM. No need to call or email ahead. On Monday at 10AM, unclaimed perishables in your share will be broken down.
Your share is transferable, so a friend or family member is welcome to pick up your share on your behalf. You will have them sign out your share under their name in the CSA book. If a friend cannot pick up for you, we can easily find someone who could use your share. Please remember your reusable bag for toting your harvest home.
Dates for 2025 Summer CSA: June 14th to October 11th.
Production Methods
We are a Northeast Organic Farming Association Member Farm. We have agreed to implement the Organic Farmer’s Pledge Practices, which you can view here.
The health of our land and harvest is of the upmost importance to us. We use practices that enable our farm to benefit the surrounding ecosystem. Our growing style is influenced by Elliot Coleman and agroecology. We use Holistic Management to ensure our decisions reflect our values and keep ourselves and business healthy.
Since 2018, we have been using only biological and dish soap pest control. That means releasing beneficial organisms, using row cover and crop rotation, and absolutely NO CHEMICAL SPRAYS. Not even organic chemicals. Some organic chemicals are broad enough spectrum to kill beneficial insects and pollinators. We do not use Entrust, Neem or Pyganic. Most certified organic vegetable farms use these chemicals, and these chemicals kill beneficial insects including pollinators.
Our farm is low- tillage and we are moving towards more no-tillage type practices. A key ingredient in becoming no-till is having high quality, weed free compost. We’ve been making our own compost and we welcome food waste donations from our community! We love recycling nutrients with our farm. Over the last several years we’ve incorporated livestock in to our farm and nutrient management system. We use certified organic fertilizers and have been able to reduce our application by over 60% due to the integration of livestock.
Share Description
Your share will have 7-9 different nutritious plants each week with cooking ideas and nutrition information. Medium shares are generally $35-42 worth of produce and Larges are about $53-65 worth of produce. Our share gives our members approximately a 30% ROI of their CSA dollars. We can do this because their is little to no waste in the CSA model, because we are giving you a reliable basket of produce weekly, that we choose. If you desire more flexibility and choice than a traditional CSA, check out our Market Share Card!
2024 Crop Plans
Asian Eggplants
Baby Salad Mix
Beefsteak Tomatoes
Bok Choi
Brussels Sprouts
Buttercup Squash
Cherry Tomatoes
Daikon Radish
Delicatta Squash
French Breakfast Radish
Fresh Baby Ginger
Fresh Green Onions
Frying Peppers
Gail Lon (Chinese Broccoli)
Galia Melons
Garlic Scapes
Hakurei Turnips
Heirloom Tomatoes
Hot Peppers
Husk Cherries
Jerusalem Artichokes
Korean Melons
Mexican Sour Gherkins
Mustard Greens
Napa Cabbage
Pac Choi
Patty Pan Squash
Pickling Cucumbers
Pole Beans
Purple Globe Turnips
Seedless Slicing Cucumbers
Shelling Peas
Shishito Peppers
Storage Onions
Strawberries-We doubled our patch this fall!
Sugar Snap Peas
Summer Squash
Sweet Peppers
Sweet Potato Greens
Sweet Potatoes
Swiss Chard
We source two weeks of fresh sweet corn from a local farmer friend for your share because we do not want to grow corn and we do want to eat it in summer.
Extra herbs, flowers, peppers, okra, husk cherries and Mexican sour gherkins will be grown in our PYO section.
How do I sign up?
You have options!
Online at: Purchase
By mail: Print this agreement, fill it out and return with check to Long Table Farm, 256 Beaver Brook Road, Lyme, CT 06371
Or contact Baylee at or (616) 292-3311 for more details.
Payment plans, sliding scale pricing and scholarships available. They are detailed in the CSA agreement and on the purchase page. Contact Baylee for details.